Quick Blueberry Shortcakes
Many friends here in Orlando took their children blueberry picking at farms such as, "Beck Brothers Blueberry-U Pick ." The pick-it-yourself season is coming to a close, but you can still find some ripe, beautiful blueberries at your local grocer or farmer's market. Try this quick and delicious dessert with your next blueberry purchase. Using your favorite recipe for shortcake; mine happens to be for "Strawberry Shortcake" right off the Bisquik box. Mix up your batter then scoop about 1/3-1/2 C of batter in (6-8) 7 oz. ramekins. Bake shortcakes in ramekins as directed. In a saucepan, heat the following on mid to low heat: 11/2C blueberries 1/4 C sugar 1tsp of lemon juice Bring to boil on low to mid-heat, the goal is a saucy compote. Drizzle the blueberry compote on top your shortcakes, and your blueberry treat is complete.