Great book for Baby Food!

When I first started the journey of introducing foods to my baby, I was clueless. I
always felt like I could cook, and I enjoyed cooking, but a baby was so different. I was so unsure of what nutrients she really needed. What foods can she eat or not eat? How many servings of each food group does she get? I could go on and on.... Then I found this incredible book that walked me through the process every week. It is called Super Baby Food! This book broke everything down for me. What she could have next, how to make it, how much she should be eating, and recipes.

By following the steps in the book, the night she turned one year old I packed the bottles up. She was already eating all of her food groups, including dairy, and drinking water from her sippy cup. The next morning I got her up, took her to the table, fed her oatmeal, egg, fruit and yogurt, with whole milk in her sippy cup. She did not even complain the bottle was gone. I was amazed! It was what I had hoped for but did not think it would go that smoothly! It also helped me to introduce all kinds of foods to her. She will eat anything now.

I think the really amazing thing in this whole process of feeding my baby was learning about how I was cooking for myself and my family. The big wake up call was sodium content. I also started realizing all of the things that I would cook with but did not need too. By learning these lessons during her first year, now I know that whatever I cook, if I can eat it, she can eat it.

I hope this helps you on your baby food making journey. Please write me any of your tips or comments I would love to hear from you!


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