Organic Valley Website Check it out...

Check out Organic Valley's site for coupons, recipes, tips for gardening and living. I love it! Register and they will send you newsletters by email with all kinds of interesting things.

They have some interesting articles in regards to how much milk is consumed in schools, and the push to get organic milk in schools, so that our children are not consuming the extra hormones.

Also, they are following the fight for healthier school lunches, which is a must! There is a high rate of children that are only getting their meals from school food, due to our economy. Schools feel like they don't have it in their budget to feed them healthy meals, when in actuality, it would be less expensive to make their food healthier.

I will be the first to tell you...I am not all organic. I try my best to just make healthier choices, where I can, as a mother. I do feel that hormones in our foods are a huge contributor to a lot of issues that our children are facing today like obesity, cancers, and children hitting puberty at 9yrs old. I also try and watch sodium and preservative content. It is something I can do that does not cost any extra, it is actually less expensive, it just requires a little more discipline and work.

Kraft now is making cheese with no added hormones. It is the same price as the regular Kraft. You just need to look for the label at the bottom, when you buy the cheese. It is not organic, but it is a better choice.


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